Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Little Bit of Rain and...

we have cat antics.What is it about the laundry basket? Whether or not there are clothes in it or not they all love to play in it (the cats). Tuca has not seen the other cats in it but here she is inside on a towel. How do they figure things out?

The latest edition to the jungle room (porch) is this tree fern parrot. I think I'll get another one or two and strap orchids and ferns and stuff them them. Our house isn't fussy so I can water them and the mop or hose out the room. I got the iris for in the head since I think it looked like a parakeet. It didn't take long for the cats to figure out that this was a great scratching post. Blanco was sitting on top of the head swatting the dangling seed pod while Pollo was down below swatting it back! Tree fern carvings are the tropical equivalent of chain saw sculptures in the northwest (we didn't have any, but here I can't resist the whimsy).

8 days ago or so we actually had a half inch of rain and the cats came in. Only 6 can fit on the couch though, so the others...

slept in a box...

or a cat bed...or inside somewhere (the other 3).


Fran and Steve said...

I love your cat postings... Nice to see they're getting along! Fran

Minerva said...

Darn, the cat in the cat bed looks exactly like my Shark (a female) lost in Aquada in the spring of 2008! I wish I could believe it was my Shark! I would come and get her!