Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Finds

Just south of Home Depot there is a little nursery that sometimes has some unusual stuff in it. After diving we stopped and it said they were liquidating and were only open during the week for a little while longer. They weren't open so I decided to go back since I eyed a bottle brush tree while I was peering in at the place. So I found treasures and am very excited to plant things out this week! This one is a Roble Amarillo which is blooming right now all over - huge puffs of bright yellow flowers and twisty bark. Very exciting. Even more exciting? $6 for a 5 foot tree!

This is a cashew (they eat the fruit here) and I bought my tree here and it has little fruits on it (not this one - this is from their planted full-grown one). They call it Paquil - not sure of the spelling. Cashews - yum.

This was about 3 feet tall and not potted up so the guy pulled a couple and gave them to me. I liked the stripes and thought it would be nice under trees.

This is a money tree ( not lunaria the money plant - perennial). All the info I can dig up points to it being a French Peanut that has edible seeds. The guy told me it didn't give fruit but I believe it does.

Even if it doesn't, I liked the cool shape of the trunk. I want my little arboretum to have a mix of fruit, flowers, indigenous species etc. A mix of stuff.

Here is the Bottle Brush. I couldn't resist!

$6 bucks for a 6 foot tall Almendra (almond). This will be a substantially large tree so it goes way up top in front of a really big rock that we don't want making its way down the hillside. Hopefully the tree shoots up, the trunk gets big and we can sit under the tree on that rock!

Here's the little assortment - Roble Amarillo, Bottle Brush, Almendra, Money Tree, Nispero (which I am not sure about - it could be spanish for Loquat, I found a site that has it listed as being some other edible thing as well so it is a surprise)! Besides the trees I got an orchid, some odd succulent thing, something that makes a nice big flower and then disappears for the season and some assorted little ferns. All this for $53!!! I just love gardening here! Sorry they are going out of business, but I was happy to get some large trees - most of what I've bought have been a foot at most.

Here's the succulent thing and the big pink flower thing. I never liked pink much, but here the neon pink leaves and flowers of things are just wonderful! So that was part of my exciting day.
I was on my way to the Secret Gallery in Rincon (they are now carrying some of my photography products - note cards, magnets, bookmarks ) when I took the little diversion. They still have some trees so head in if you are out that way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great collection Katrina! I also heard that nisperos are loquats. My wife knew them from Venezuela and was able to recognize them when we visited the old Fernandez farm in Casanga. Here is a link: