Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Roosters, Hedges and Cats...You Know, Stuff Around the House

I just can't resist photographing the stuff you see while driving the pinball-game-type roads here in Puerto Rico. There were 2 trucks like this but it is hard to photograph while driving! This is on the main highway (highway 2) during peak hours on the weekend. Almost as entertaining as full sized horses in mini-trucks, but not a cool as the chicken riding shotgun!
What is it about roosters? This one, Big Red, showed up in the yard and was very solitary and quiet and kind of personable. He eats out of my hand and is head pimp now that I relocated Double-Comb.

The cats for some reason decided that this section of screen was the best workout area. While doing pilates they tore up the screen and I reinforced it with this lovely looking wire mesh with screen over it. Now it is a hard core work out area with Rip here doing Pilates. First you pull with your paws...

Then you pull and kick with your legs (the grimacing and screen biting tells you it is a tough work out)...

Then you rest and refuse to let your sister have a turn.

I have decided that meat is disgusting and I am not going to eat any more of it. I have also decided that food tastes better "raw." I love coffee and yeast breads so I will never be eating entirely raw, but I have been making raw meals for a little while and cooked food just tastes chemical to me now and overly sugary and salty. This is an Ani Phyo corn chowder that has jalapeno peppers, water, olive oil, fresh corn and some avocado on top. Very tasty.

A lot of the trees and plants have gotten out of hand and I decided to tackle the croton hedge. When I looked back at photos from 3 years ago the hedge was the height of the railing and didn't spill over the wall. This was a huge job that I hopefully won't be doing for another year or more. Look how bushy it was... (you can see where I started - over the shed)

Now it is tidy and waiting for new leaves.

Tuca just loves Big Red. One of the other cats, Chicken, actually lived with a group of chickens before joining our household. Why do the cats like the chickens so much? Why don't they eat the baby chicks? I do not understand but I really enjoy their interactions.


Anonymous said...

Rip looks ripped as he does his reps! I hope you know weightlifting jargon, otherwise that first sentence will sound weird. Everything looks so lush and green. But then your in the tail end of the rainy season, right? Maybe Cassie can fill us in on chicken/cat relationships. My cats were never around or interested in the chickens either. How are summers there? I check the weather reports and it sounds uncomfortable, 93 degrees with 88% humidity. When it's like that here in NJ, it is just awful. Really curious...Thanks for the fun pix.


Anonymous said...

It is definately hot, but there is usually a breeze since we are in the hills. We don't have air conditioning but I did turn on the fan for a couple hours when we went to bed for a couple nights. That is a big deal since I HATE air blowing on me and dislike air conditioning. It isn't like Boston humidity though - hard to explain the difference. There is an uncomfortable 2 or 3 hours when the breeze stops in the early evening. Jeff retreats to a full fan on TV room and I go outside!