Sunday, March 7, 2010

Where the HELL is the Sun????

It is fricking cold! Right now it is 3 o'clock and 67 degrees. There is no sun, so we had to connect back to the grid since it will be like this for a few days supposedly. This is the crap I moved AWAY from! The warmest thing I have to wear is jeans and a sweatshirt and I could use another layer. Jeff did manage to mow this morning and collect all the pumpkins (8) and some water coconuts that now sit out on the wet driveway. I screwed up my fixed shoulder and did inside things.

The native mangoes are blooming like crazy and I can hear the bees swarming around. But look...grey grey grey. It is kind of a bright fog I guess, but very Seattle.
So I wandered around the yard in the gloom looking at the bright flowers.

Looking out the front porch/cat room it is foggy grey grey grey. It is also doing the Seattle style rain - just a gloomy drizzle..only .24 inches in the last 24 hours. We do need the rain, so when the sun comes back things will be great.

A wet driveway and oh, I guess I can put the hose away.

Looking toward the back of the property it is just a reflective white/grey. No bright perfume smells from blooming stuff, just cold and wet, and lots of leaves on the ground.

Yup, grey.

I really like the Puerto Rico rain we usually get - huge cracks of lightening and thunder and a torrent of rain that goes away. Then the sun comes out. I guess this is saving me from myself - I hurt my shoulder and really don't want to mess it up more by working outside. No cave this weekend. No diving this weekend. I think this is the first weekend we have had just at home in forever! It is dark too. I need a mood elevator. Guess I'll make some coffee and find things to distract myself with and hope it isn't this way again tomorrow!


Mike said...

So sorry to hear that the weather if affecting your mood. It would appear that the Seattle Drizzle Blues is a chronic disorder - it will follow you anywhere. BTW, we have had the sunniest winter in memory here. Wait - that's probably not making you feel any better. Sorry. Rest that shoulder.

Anonymous said...

Mike - Today is a different day...100 and 36% humidity with bright sun and a few clouds floating around that will probably turn into drizzle later. Bright bright bright. It is so nice to be warm! Nice photos on your site by the way...I haven't been doing any underwater stuff since I have a film camera still. Just dive to dive and cave to cave. katrina

Unknown said...

Katrina - I guess it was different in el campo then. Here in town, it was gray and cloudy and the temperature didn't break 80. =\