Thursday, October 29, 2009

What a Deal! Run Don't Walk

The only person I can think of who hates shopping more than I do is Jeff. There for he is always dressed like a slob in rags he has had for years and years and I mean years literally. He has a shirt from when we went to Papua New Guinea (1995). He has a few others he has had longer (I did just re purpose his PNG shirt for the fruit catching device). Imagine my excitement (not) when my friend/neighbor called and said "you have to come to Kmart - all the clothes are $2.99". $2.99? I was skeptical but she keeps an eagle eye open for great markdowns and snagged some $5 cat loungers for us so I figured I'd go in and at least say hi.

Bright colored man shorts for $2.99 each!

Shirts that were normally 15-25 bucks for....$2.99

T-shirts (heavy ones) and cargo shorts $2.99.

More shirts. $2.99. They aren't the crappy kinds either. He's a large and they had a bigger selection for bigger people but I managed to find all this stuff for him and he didn't have to go there! Nothing for me, everything there is always too big. I get $6 shorts at House of Blue where the sizes are smaller and shirts at Kress for $3-10 bucks. It doesn't make sense to spend a lot on clothes here since things fade really fast and the elastic disappears but $2.99? That is just crazy!

1 comment:

VEE said...